Sr.  No.Name of the MemberDesignationMobile No
1.Dr. Kadam V. K.Principal – Chairperson9890304109
2.Dr. Jadhav V. B.Coordinator9421339355
3.Dr. Jadhav S. M.Member9421348555
4.Mr. Bhore S. S.Member9860182768
4.Miss. Mirge Dnyaneshwari SitaramMember- Student Representative 
5.Ransingh Ashok RaosahebMember -Student Representative 

Policy Document forStudent Grievance Redressal


Aims –

The college has a Student Grievance and Redressal Cell desires to promote and maintain a conducive and unprejudiced environment for its stakeholders as per directive of UGC, New Delhi and the affiliating university Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University. Aurangabad. The student Grievance and Redressal Cell enables the students to express their grievances by initiating and following the grievance procedure in accordance with the rules and regulations of the college. The cell meets periodically, examines the nature and pattern of the grievances and redresses it accordingly. The student approaches the cell to voice their grievance regarding academic matter, health service and other services. A student may send his/her grievance to the Principal over email ([email protected]) or put the note in the Grievance box in at administrative block. The Cell redresses the grievance by using a fair approach.

The Grievances received were forwarded to the Coordinator for immediate redressal. In all such cases prompt action were taken and the matter sorted out. In all cases the aggrieved student was informed of the measures taken and checks in the system were introduced to ensure there was no repetition of the same.


The objective of grievance redressal cell is to redress the grievances of its stakeholders by sorting out the problems promptly and judiciously that will result in pleasant, ambient atmosphere and good work culture with an in-built goodwill and mutual understanding among its stakeholders.

A grievance cell should be constituted for the redressal of the problem reported by the student of the college with the following objectives:

  1. To support those student who have been deprived of services offered by the College, for which he/she is entitled.
  2. Encouraging the student to express their grievance freely and frankly, without any fear of being victimized. 
  3. To make officials of the college responsive, accountable and courteous in dealing with the student.
  4. To advising all the students to refrain from inciting students against other students, teacher and college administration.
  5. To advise students of the college to respect the right and dignity of one another and show utmost restraint and patience whenever any occasion of rift arises.
  6. To put in place a monitoring mechanism to oversee the functioning of the grievance handling policy.
  7. To ensure effective solution to the students grievance with an impartial and fair approach.
Scope –

The scope of the Student Grievance and Redressal Cell includes:

  1. Facilitating a fair and just evaluation of student-complaints.
  2. Developing a student support system based on feedback/grievance/complaint.
  3. Encouraging a student-friendly, learner-centric system. 


  1. Redressal of students Grievance to solve their academic and administrative problem.
  2. To co-ordinate between students and Departments/section to redress the grievance. 
  3. To guide ways and means to students to redress their problems.
Procedure for lodging complaint-
  1. An aggrieved student shall first submit his complaint in writing to coordinator who shall resolved the grievance.
  2. Upon identifying the nature/corresponding area of complaint and the policy violated, the Committee will invite the concerned Coordinator to initiate and help conduct its preliminary investigation to verify the facts of complaint.
  3. In case the coordinator is not able to resolve the grievance he shall forward it to the principal of the college.
  4. Discuss the best outcome to the complaint/grievance.
  5. It will also simultaneously involve collecting and verifying evidence, if any. 
  6. The entire process of screening and establishing validity of the complaint is confidential and should be completed within 10 working days. 
  7. If the complaint is invalid or untrue, the Coordinator shall declare it null and void.
Coordinator Faculty Members & Student Representatives –
Role of Coordinator-
  1. The coordinators have to coordinate with all the members and students representatives for issues pertaining to Grievance Redressal Cell.
  2. The coordinator shall hold a meeting of members and the aggrieved person.
Role of Faculty Member-
  1. Faculty member shall participate in meetings and give his/her suggestion to redress the grievances in best way possible.
  2.  Faculty member shall maintain minutes of meeting in a file.
  3. Faculty member shall inform the complaining party regarding time and place of the meeting. 

Complaint Form