Reading Hall Rules:

  1. Each student should have his own Identity card while entering in the library or Reading hall.
  2. After entering in Reading Hall students have to enter their names into the In-Out register and sing.
  3. Silence must be kept in the library and Reading Hall.
  4. When the practical and classes are running students should not sit in the reading hall.
  5. On submitting Identity Card student get one book to read in the library. If said book is taken at home without permission, they will be fined Rs.1/-per day.
  6. At the time the book is issued for reading in the reading room or for home reading, the student must satisfy himself / herself that the book is not damaged or that the pages are not missing or torn. If there is a damage or loss of pages or torn of pages, it must be brought to the notice of the library staff. Otherwise they will be held responsible for any damage, loss, or torn pages.
  7. Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Reference books will not be allowed to take at home.